The hashtag #TrumpIsDead trended after a number of Twitter users claimed that the former president had perished on Tuesday. Musk, who completed his purchase of Twitter last week, has advocated for more “free speech” on the platform, including reinstating accounts that had been previously banned for spreading misinformation. Critics have suggested that the tech billionaire’s approach could lead to Twitter becoming a haven for trolls and right-wing conspiracy theorists.

Fake news of Trump’s death spread shortly after Musk announced that Twitter would soon allow users to purchase verified “blue check” status for $8 per month. The policy change sparked additional criticism that Musk would be facilitating the spread of misinformation.

The Trump death hoax may have originated with tweets from comedian Tim Heidecker, who suggested that Trump was “dying” in reaction to a report that the former president was spreading a false conspiracy theory concerning the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi.

“Trump, i’m sad to say sounds like he’s dying here,” Heidecker tweeted. “I think in fact that maybe he is and could possibly have a very grave disease of which he is dying from. we don’t know but it’s not good.”

“I just heard from a friend that he died,” user @drivebee replied alongside a “slightly frowning face” emoji.

“Look folks there are 1 of 2 things that could be happening,” Heidecker tweeted in response to @drivebee. “Trump is dead and they are covering it up or he is badly dying at the moment. Which do you believe?”

A short time later, user @mylifeisabiglie tweeted, “It’s official, Trump has died” while sharing an image doctored to appear as though CNN was reporting that Trump had “died of autoerotic asphyxiation in his Florida home” on Tuesday.

“Many are using #TrumpIsDead to spread the word,” Heidecker tweeted later. “Many are sad by the news.”

Heidecker went on to claim that he had “heard” Trump’s death was “very bad” and that he “died in a sick way.”

“Here’s what we know: 1. Trump is dead (died badly) 2.@elonmusk has suppressed this news (or has he?) 3. Donald Trump Junior is now just plain Donald Trump,” he added in another tweet. “Please like and share.”

Others soon joined in to spread the fake death reports, often while mentioning Musk or the new Twitter policies.

“Heard #TrumpIsDead from a paid for Blue Check-mark (obviously a trustworthy source) having lost a long battle with a venereal disease contracted from a prostitute,” tweeted @SpudMarch.

“My sources are telling me, in their humble opinion, that the MyPillow Guy has created a Trump stand in made from polyurethane foam and Sunkist soda,” documentary filmmaker Jeremy Newberger tweeted. “#TrumpIsDead”

“If only Twitter had some kind of policy about spreading disinformation, but I guess since Elon himself did it the other day, it’s all fair game,” @NYC_NH1 tweeted. “Still, sad that Trump died like such a dog. SAD! #TrumpIsDead”

“Wild that #TrumpIsDead,” tweeted writer and animator Jon Bershad. “Almost seems unreal. But it definitely is real. Good thing Elon Musk eliminated the content moderation department or it would be hard for me to share the very true news that Donald Trump has died with as many people as possible!”

Some Twitter users appeared to take the false death tweets seriously, while a significant number of Trump supporters expressed outrage over the claim going viral.

“And here are the Dems wishing 45 POTUS is dead…your true colors always shine…” @Kathy05057204 tweeted in response to Heidecker.

“I’m not wishing anything,” Heidecker replied. “Just sharing what i believe to be true (or not)”

Newsweek has reached out to Twitter, Heidecker’s representative and Trump’s office for comment.