While everyone can feel the need to pick at or scratch their skin from time to time, those with excoriation disorder feel unable to stop, even when skin picking interferes with their daily lives or causes stress and discomfort.

Excoriation disorder affects about 2% to 5% of the population, and about 3 of 4 people living with it are female. Excoriation disorder usually begins during puberty, and it can be triggered by skin conditions like acne and emotional states like stress, boredom, or anxiety. The disorder is most likely to start with picking at facial skin, but skin picking disorder scars can be found anywhere on the body.

This article covers causes, effects, and treatments for excoriation disorder.

What Is Excoriation Disorder?

Excoriation disorder is a skin-picking disorder marked by an uncontrollable need to pick and scratch at the skin, often to the point of injury. Excoriation disorder can cause feelings of shame, depression, and anxiety at being unable to stop the habit, and it can include losing large amounts of time and energy to obsessively picking at and trying to cover up scars.

Signs and Symptoms of Excoriation Disorder

Signs and symptoms of excoriation disorder include:

Skin picking that causes bruising, scars, or injury to skin tissueBeing unable to control or stop skin pickingFeeling stress, shame, and other negative emotions because of skin pickingSpending large amounts of time managing the effects of excoriation, like injuries and covering up skinAvoiding interactions with others, including medical professionals and intimate partners, because of shame about skin lesions caused by skin picking

What Causes Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors?

Excoriation is a body-focused repetitive behavior like trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) or cheek biting.

Causes of body-focused repetitive behaviors can include:

Having a family member who also engages in body-focused repetitive behaviorsDistorted ideas about how the skin is supposed to lookA bump or scar that is tempting to pick onStressful life situations or living environmentGeneral temperament, which is the attitude or mood a person is usually prone toAge that skin picking begins

The Effects of Excoriation Disorder

Excoriation disorder can have an effect on the physical and mental health of those who live with it.

Social and Emotional Effects

The social and emotional effects of excoriation disorder include:

Avoiding social interactions that could reveal scars, such as summer outings or intimacyBecoming less productiveShame and guilt at being unable to stop picking skinDepressionLost time to obsessing over scars or trying to cover them up

Medical Complications

Excoriation disorder can lead to skin scarring, bruising, and tissue damage. Avoiding medical care because of embarrassment about scars is another effect, and this can make infections or other health conditions worse.

Diagnosis and Comorbid Conditions

There are other disorders that might be present along with excoriation disorder, including:

Persistent skin picking that causes damageRepeated attempts to stop skin pickingSkin picking that affects daily life, including work and relationshipsSkin picking that is not caused by drugs or a medical conditionSkin picking that cannot be explained as a symptom of psychiatric disorders; for example, skin picking during a hallucination caused by schizophrenia

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): A condition where intrusive thoughts lead to ritualistic behavior meant to ease anxiety Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD): Fixating on physical flaws to the point of disruption to daily life and well-being Mood disorders: Including depression or bipolar disorder Anxiety disorders

Treatments for Excoriation Disorder

Only about 20% of those with excoriation disorder seek treatment. This might be because of embarrassment or the belief that the skin picking is simply a bad habit. Some might visit a dermatologist before seeking psychological help with excoriation disorder.

Treatments for excoriation disorder might include:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): This is a type of talk therapy that focuses on the thoughts and belief systems that drive behaviors. CBT includes learning techniques to manage emotions. Exposure and response prevention (ERP): This is one type of CBT. ERP involves gradually and progressively exposing someone to situations that trigger anxiety as a way to manage that anxiety. Medication: Some antidepressants can help with symptoms of excoriation disorder.


Excoriation disorder—also called dermatillomania or skin picking disorder—is marked by an uncontrollable urge to pick at the skin to the point of harm and disruption to daily life. Causes of excoriation disorder include stress, depression, boredom, wanting to meet certain standards of appearance, and having a family member who also has the disorder.

Keeping the hands busy with something elsePutting gloves on when the urge to skin pick arisesWaiting longer and longer before picking at the skinDiscussing the disorder with loved ones

Skin-picking disorder can lead to bruises and injury, shame, depression, anxiety, and avoidant behaviors to hide one’s body and condition from others. It might also lead to spending excessive amounts of time focusing on skin picking and working to cover up the appearance of scars and lesions.

Treatment for excoriation disorder includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a type of talk therapy that focuses on the ideas and thoughts behind behavior. A CBT method commonly used to treat dermatillomania is habit reversal training, which involves replacing harmful behaviors with helpful ones.

A Word From Verywell

We can all unconsciously rub our skin from time to time, whether from stress, boredom, or noticing perceived skin flaws. But if you find yourself doing it to ease anxiety and are unable to stop the habit no matter the effect, you might consider seeing a healthcare provider or a trained therapist for an evaluation.

If diagnosis and therapy are inaccessible to you, a support group for obsessive-compulsive behaviors might help, as might researching cognitive behavior therapy and habit reversal techniques. Treatments you can try on your own include mindfulness (letting uncomfortable feelings come and go), wearing gloves, applying lotion to your skin, and being open about your problem to loved ones. Excoriation disorder might seem embarrassing to live with, but facing the emotional causes head on could be a great first step toward healing.