Delgado was hired by the Trump campaign in August 2016, began her affair with Miller the following October and became impregnated by Miller the following month.

Delgado alleges that Miller had initially informed her that he had separated from his wife. However, Miller hadn’t and was, in fact, expecting a child with her when Delgado realized she herself was pregnant with Miller’s child.

Last December, Delgado filed a lawsuit against the Trump campaign for pregnancy discrimination, further, alleging that during her pregnancy, Miller told her that she couldn’t be seen “waddling around the White House pregnant.” She also claimed that then-Trump press secretary Sean Spicer told her the White House is “no place for a new mom.”

Delgado further alleged that she had reached a confidential settlement with the Trump campaign for an undisclosed sum via arbitration on May 2017, but that the campaign went back on the agreed settlement.

Miller resigned from Trump’s transition team in December 2016 even though he had reportedly been under consideration to become the White House communications director. He was re-hired by the Trump reelection campaign in June. He is currently in an ongoing custody battle with Delgado.

On Friday, Delgado announced that she would tweet out one email a day illustrating sexism from Miller and his lawyer, Sandy T. Fox. Delgado began with a response allegedly sent by Fox around January 3, 2020, after Delgado notified Miller that she would need a “continued deposition” from him.

“When I politely inquired about scheduling Miller’s deposition,” Delgado wrote in her tweets, “This was the response I received:”

“While I understand that you are still infatuated with Mr. Miller this does not entitle you to multiple depositions nor will my client appear for multiple depositions,” Delgado claims Fox wrote back.

Newsweek contacted Fox for comment.

In her tweet thread on Friday, Delgado also tagged the Twitter accounts of President Trump, his daughter Ivanka and his son Eric, accusing them of approving and funding Miller’s “abuse” of her.

In September 2018, Miller was accused of slipping an abortion pill into the smoothie of a woman he met at a strip club in Orlando, Florida in 2012. The woman claimed that Miller impregnated her and that the pill caused her to miscarry and nearly die.

That same month, Miller denied the accusations but left his role as a political commentator at CNN afterward to “focus on clearing my name and fighting the false and defamatory accusations being made against me.”