Bobulinski shared details of the October 23 interview with the Sinclair Broadcast Group, stating he was questioned for five hours with counsel present and six law enforcement agents. Bobulinski said agents examined evidence on three cellphones that he provided.

“They do list me as a material witness within the entire FBI on their computer systems,” Bobulinski told reporter James Rosen, adding that the interview was a “very cooperative deep-dive into all the facts across that time period.”

When asked by Rosen in connection to what was he a material witness, Bobulinski answered: “In connection with the discussion of the Biden family, CEFC and other operations around the world involving other countries.”

CEFC is a Chinese energy conglomerate that Hunter Biden tried to go into business with in 2016 to 2017. He recruited Bobulinski, a Navy veteran and financier, to serve as CEO of the joint venture project—a deal that ultimately fell apart.

Bobulinski publicly accused Joe Biden of lying about his involvement in his son’s businesses shortly before the final presidential debate on October 22. In the press event, which was organized by President Donald Trump’s campaign, Bobulinski claimed that he had face-to-face meetings with Joe Biden. He was later invited to attend the debate as a guest of the president.

During the debate, Joe Biden denied ever taking money from a foreign entity and said there was “nothing unethical” about his son’s business deals.

“I have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life,” the Democratic nominee said, adding that he had released 22 years of tax returns while Trump hadn’t released a single year. “What are you hiding?” Joe Biden asked.

The allegations surrounding Hunter Biden’s business affairs were exacerbated by a New York Post reports, which purported to include screenshots of incriminating emails about his dealings with Ukraine and China. The reports claimed that Hunter Biden sought to leverage his father’s vice presidential role to aid his business dealings in the foreign nations. But other news outlets have been unable to review and verify the emails. Some New York Post journalists even had doubts about publishing the reports, The New York Times and New York magazine reported.

Bobulinski told Sinclair Broadcast Group that everyone in the room during his interview with the FBI was “very aware of the sensitivity of the parties involved here and potential multiple impacts to this country.

Newsweek reached out to the Biden campaign for comment but did not hear back in time for publication.