Cullen, who is better known as ‘Speedo Mick’ due to his various stunts for charity, is looking to raise £10,000 for the Charlie’s Chance Foundation, who help young children afford to travel to receive necessary treatments.

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Charlie has received an anonymous donation which allows her to travel to the US, but Speedo Mick has decided to continue his fundraising campaign to help other sick children.

Speedo Mick is entertaining followers through his Twitter account, where he constantly updates people about his latest exploits and struggles along the journey.

His JustGiving page shows what a character he is, claiming: “There’s going to be blisters, there’s going to be goose bumps, there’s going to be lots of walking in the wrong direction and getting lost because my satnav hates me, there will also be lots of laughing loads of doughnuts and cream eggs getting delivered on rout [sic] and hopefully lots and lots and lots of money donated.”

So far, Speedo Mick has raised over £3,500 in his current campaign, having previously raised over £80,000 through various other stunts including swimming the English Channel and visiting every Premier League ground in his speedos.