Jeffress appeared on Fox Radio’s Todd Starnes Show on September 23 to discuss the United Nations climate summit, which President Trump notably attended for just 14 minutes before heading to give an address on religious freedom.

On the program, Jeffress referred to climate change as an “imaginary crisis,” telling listeners that Trump was right to skip the summit. He then pivoted to discussing Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, who has become the face of the global climate justice movement.

“Somebody needs to read poor Greta Genesis, Chapter 9,” Jeffress said, “and tell her the next time she worries about global warming, just look at a rainbow. That’s God’s promise that the polar ice caps aren’t going to melt and flood the world again.”

There is no scientific evidence connecting rainbows with the preservation of the polar ice caps.

Starnes agreed with Jeffress, commenting, “This whole global warming, tree-hugging fiasco—again, there is nothing to it. As you point out, they might as well hold a commission on the Tooth Fairy or Bigfoot, Sasquatch.”

In addition to frequent appearances on Fox programming, Jeffress is the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas. His sermons are broadcast worldwide via TV and radio on the program Pathway to Victory.

He has been a faithful defender of the President, appearing on Fox News after evidence of Trump’s alleged extramarital affair with Stormy Daniels, to argue evangelicals “weren’t voting for an altar boy.”

Also on Monday, Jeffress was on Fox News, claiming that Democrats think the “great human right is to kill your own babies through abortion.”

Conservative commentators have criticized Thunberg since she rose to global attention. On Monday, Daily Wire contributor Michael Knowles called the activist a “mentally ill Swedish child” on Fox News’s The Story. He was immediately censured, with the network apologizing and releasing a statement that it would no longer book him on its shows.

Thunberg went began a strike from school for climate justice in August 2018. As she continued, people around the world began to join in. At last Friday’s global climate strike, an estimated 4 million participated, making it the largest climate protest in human history.