But then the sign-stealing allegations came out and turned all of baseball upside down. The Astros players never seemed truly remorseful for their actions — until Thursday, when Gattis went on The Athletic’s “755 is Real” podcast and spilled his guts.

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“Everybody wants to be the best player in the f—ing world, man … and we cheated that, for sure, and we obviously cheated baseball and cheated fans,” Gattis told hosts David O’Brien and Eric O’Flaherty. “Fans felt duped. I feel bad for fans. …

“I’m not asking for sympathy or anything like that. If our punishment is being hated by everybody forever, just like, whatever," Gattis continued. “I don’t know what should be done, but something had to f—ing be done. I do agree with that, big time. I do think it’s good for baseball that we’re cleaning it up. … And I understand that it’s not f—ing good enough to say sorry. I get it.”

Gattis’ message, of course, is a little perplexing, considering he spent some time in the news just last week after posting this glass to his Twitter feed.

That “snitch” is the image of Mike Fiers, the former Astros player who blew the lid off Houston’s sign-stealing ways from the 2017 championship season. Gattis would clarify the image, saying he harbors no will will towards the pitcher. He would also say in the podcast that Fiers did what he had to do and that baseball will be better off once it’s all cleaned up.

Still, the picture was an odd thing to send out to the world if he, in fact, doesn’t have any harsh feelings toward Fiers (which, to be fair, it seems like a genuine response).

So, let’s ask the question then: If the Astros’ apology is not “f—ing good enough” for fans, then what is? This is the more interesting discussion to have. Gattis is the first Astros player, current or former, to appear to sound truly remorseful for his part in the whole thing. So what is the proper punishment? 

A.J. Hinch and Jeff Luhnow are not only both out of jobs, but they’re out of baseball — and understandably so. Carlos Beltran lost his job before he managed an inning with the Mets. Red Sox manager Alex Cora was also sent out on his butt. But the players, who supposedly ran the whole scheme, according to MLB, got off scot-free in the ordeal. 

To be honest, that’s fine, because at the end of the day a manager has to manage because it’s his job. Whether that’s the lineup, the personalities or a sign-stealing scandal that MLB is having a hard time putting back in the bottle. But what would be good enough?

Would Gattis turn in his championship ring? Erase the title from existence? Suspensions for all the players on the team? Who knows? Clearly, Gattis doesn’t feel good about his role on a team that cheated.

Baseball, after all, was put in a near-impossible spot when it came to punishment for this. Vacating a title seems something empty in nature. Suspensions would be difficult to levy out fairly and evenly amongst players, especially if everyone was in on it.

But at least Gattis knows an apology isn’t good enough — even if the rest of the baseball world is still searching for what is.