Prior to that, he toiled and tussled in the WWE developmental system as Derrick Bateman, a comical figure that didn’t fit the man that Michael Hutter really was. He was hungry. He was motivated.

It didn’t take long before he landed in TNA where he became Ethan Carter III, the spoiler nephew of owner Dixie Carter. Since then, he’s been a brat and a narcissist. Both worked perfectly. EC3 has been a hit with the company, becoming one of its best talents and one of the best heels in wrestling.

So much so that on the July 1 episode of Impact Wrestling, he defeated Kurt Angle to become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

Despite the accolades, it hasn’t been enough for EC3. And it comes at a time where there are questions about the future of TNA Wrestling as it looks to find a new television home in the United States with the company parting ways with Destination America early in 2016.

More pressing right now for EC3 is this Sunday when he puts his championship on the line against Drew Galloway in the main event of Bound for Glory airing live pay-per-view.

Brian Fritz: What has this run been like for you? Going to TNA and doing everything you’ve done so far, has it validated that you are this good and that you can be a player for a major organization?

Ethan Carter III: Yeah it’s cathartic. All I needed was the opportunity. TNA has been kind enough to give it to me. It’s been gangbusters ever since. They’ve given me the opportunity which came with a lot of confidence and a lot of great people to work with, turning me into the performer that I am today and I’m doing the best job that I can to represent our brand and hopefully push it forward.

BF: What was it like that night when you won the championship? It was a long time coming and you win it against Kurt Angle with your parents in the crowd.

EC3: It was a nice moment with my mom and dad who have supported me through the tireless journey of this when they should have told me to get a real job a lot more times. But they didn’t, they kept supporting me and really bailed me out of a couple jams. To reach that moment with them there, can’t do worse than that. As far as what else happened that evening, probably a ton of booze, I bought a few select people some cigars, we had a big cigar fest and just pouring Jameson down each other’s throats. The next thing you know you wake up, you’re not alone, you’re sitting there with your world heavyweight title alone.

BF: That’s something that I don’t think people realize. There’s this fantasy moment that it’s so glorious but come the end of the night, you’re all alone and back to your routine right?

EC3: Yeah exactly. I can guarantee you might be a world champion but I’m probably the only world champion who had to sleep three hours to get to the Atlanta airport huddled on the floor in a corner because he had to wait for a connecting flight that took too long and got delayed and then had to take a red eye the night before.

BF: You mentioned your parents helping you out. What was their reaction years ago when you told them you wanted to be a professional wrestler?

EC3: They’re very … I don’t think they realized how much I liked it at first. I went to train without even telling them and eventually they indirectly found out. Sure enough when I had my first show they were there in a parking lot in the west side of Cleveland in front of like 12 people with a car stereo playing my entrance music. They’ve been big in following your dreams as long as you can do it responsibly and see it through to the end.

BF: After you won the championship, you posted a picture on Instagram of yourself holding the championship along with a quote from Teddy Roosevelt. Are you big into quotes or just a Teddy Roosevelt fan?

EC3: I like a good quote, I’m not going to lie to you. Yeah, Teddy Roosevelt is my man for inspiration with his attitude and perseverance through a lot of things. It’s hard pressed to find a better American role model than Teddy Roosevelt. It’s a great quote, it inspires to … you don’t let critics, you don’t let people bring you down. You find your way. You stay in the game and keep going and, hey, sometimes it works out. (laughs)

A photo posted by ec3 (@therealec3) on Jul 1, 2015 at 8:13pm PDT

BF: You talk about critics and everything you’ve gone through, do you still have a chip on your shoulder? Do you still have something to prove?

EC3: I will have to prove it until I hang up the boots. But that’s the way I’m wired.

BF: Everyone needs their own motivation.

EC3: I could live in a house in the sky with a golden car and have a billion dollars in the bank and I’d still have a chip on my shoulder. When I feel slighted, I hold on to that. It’s a good thing.

BF: Is that something you’ve always had or something you’ve developed over the years?

EC3: It’s something I always had but really took off as soon as my confidence proceeded some success I guess you could say. Realizing that is another thing that I think is adding to a pretty good talent in this industry.

BF: When did you really start to feel a lot of confidence, that not only can I do this but I can do this really good?

EC3: I think the confidence really came probably around the time we were doing TV in New York and I was feuding with Bully, Devon, (Tommy) Dreamer and the ECW guys on their home turf. Seeing Aunt D (Dixie Carter) being put through the table, we were doing TV in New York and outside of the Impact Zone (Universal Studios in Orlando, Fla.) and it’s a different kind of wrestling fan there. Fans that were far more into it, make more noise and try to make it part of the show. Being in that environment and knowing how to control that, handle it and hang with anybody. That’s kind of where my confidence came from.

BF: I know a lot of people will go back to when you were with WWE and you ended up getting released. I think many times an experience like that can be the best thing that can happen to people no what matter what career you have. Sometimes you have to go through adversity before you really find yourself. Is that the way you look at that?

EC3: If you look at it like it was easy and everybody can do it, yeah, you look at a lot of guys who are hand-picked and gifted opportunities and they’ve never struggled or strived to earn them so they kind of flounder. Being released, was it a good thing that happened to me? It was probably the best thing that happened to me in my career. It was at a weird time in the company and I think the power was changing. If I did stay on in some role on the WWE main roster I would probably be a lost mid-carder, just miserable every day. No matter how hard I try. It turned out to be the best thing that could happen to me because I had this opportunity to come over here, be given the ball, run with it, show who I am.

BF: Do you find it ironic that on Sunday at Bound for Glory in the championship match you’ll be facing Drew Galloway, who was another guy with WWE who I think you can say wasn’t used to his fullest extent and has now blossomed since leaving there?

EC3: Yeah, I think Drew Galloway is another example. We talk about that chip on my shoulder, he’s slightly taller so it’s a little higher up but there’s a chip up there. He’s a phenomenal talent. He’s a blue chip prospect if you look at him. What happened with him over there, who knows. We’re not the first good guys, talented guys to be released and we won’t be the last. But it is a business and you find your opportunities where you can. Drew Galloway has a chance on October 4th on pay-per-view to show exactly who he is. And this will also be the first time I’ll be main-eventing a pay-per-view so there’s a lot at stake between the both of us.

A photo posted by ec3 (@therealec3) on Sep 24, 2015 at 6:18am PDT

BF: How much pressure do you feel? Like you said, you’re going to be main-eventing a pay-per-view for the first time but also you are the man in this company and a lot of people will look at the success or failure of a company by looking at who is the champion. How much do you look at this as a pressure-packed situation?

EC3: The way I look at is I’m pretty teflon. I can handle any sort of pressure, any criticisms. We’re at a weird time in the industry so it’s hard pressed for me to define what is successful and what is not but as long as the people in power feel satisfied with the job I’m doing, I won’t have a regret every single second of every single day. The only thing I can do is the best possible job that I can and call it a day.

BF: Is that something you’ve developed is knowing that there’s always going to be critics and you have to have thick skin?

EC3: Yeah I’m definitely used to it. When you look at critics in wrestling, it’s a real special fan base. There’s a lot of voices but at the end of the day there’s only one voice that really matters and that’s your boss’s, right? There’s a lot of cooks in a lot of kitchens. It can be hard because there are some fans you really have to set aside. Being able to handle criticism has its ups and downs but that comes with being in this industry because, at least for me, it’s always seemingly been taken away from me right before I could get it. I’ve developed the ability to … I don’t expect anything. If I feel something good is going to happen, just keep it regular. Do not expect anything and just keep doing the best that you can.

BF: At the same time, I think there’s a lot of people in the business who appreciate what you do. What does it mean when you have guys like Jim Ross and even Seth Rollins — the WWE Champion — publicly validate you on Twitter and congratulate you after you won the championship?

EC3: There’s a lot of mutual respect between Seth and I. He’s absolutely the best in the world right now. He’s doing great. It means a lot to have your peers in those positions acknowledge it, especially from Seth’s standpoint and his position to acknowledge that. That was cool. But we’ve been up and down the road together and we’re boys. Jim Ross, to have that man do it considering what’s he done and what he’s seen. The thing with Jim, he wants me to get better. I know that, so I have to keep getting better. It’s cool to have a lot of the guys that knew what I was good at and what I was capable of and never got the chance to do. And now that I get to do that, I have a lot of friends that are happy for me just as I was happy for their successes.

BF: I know that you have been hyper-critical of yourself. Do you continue to be that way or have you backed off a little bit?

EC3: I hate watching everything I do. It’s painstaking. I feel like Pollock or van Gogh, I just want to cut my ears off when I watch it. I’ve learned to loosen up a little bit just so I can try to enjoy it. Just recently, the stuff I was doing with Jeff Hardy as my personal assistant, I was watching from the outside and not even realizing that’s me and was like this s— is entertaining. I like this. This is good. And I was like oh, it’s me. I know when I hit and I know when I miss. I really want to hit every time but you can’t. Sometimes you need to see those misses so you make sure to hit it next time.

BF: What is it like for you right now because from the outside looking in, there are so many questions when it comes to the future of the company? Dixie Carter recently said how they’re looking for another TV partner by the beginning of next year. What’s it like being a part of this situation and wondering what is next for TNA?

EC3: I think you just can’t worry about anything and you trust those that you work for and when the time comes for you to do your job, you do it the best you can. You continue to support the product because you want to see it grow, you want to see it succeed, you want to see that negative stigma dissipate. You have to be on the forefront of that.

BF: Is it hard to push that back because this is your job and you want to make sure that not only are you doing the best that you can to your abilities but you want to make sure you’re building to something and will have a job?

EC3: I think it could. For me, no. I have 100-percent optimism and faith in the people that are making our decisions and we will be well taken care of.

BF: What was your reaction when PWI (Pro Wrestling Illustrated) said they were not going to recognize the TNA World Championship anymore?

EC3: Eh, whatever. If they want to call me and tell me I’m not a world champion to my face, I’d love to hear them say it. I also think they retracted that and it was a big ordeal just for publicity. What does it matter? It doesn’t change my paycheck. It doesn’t change my reputation or my skill set or my talent or my dedication.

BF: How often do you go on the internet or on social media? I would imagine there’s only certain windows or pockets that maybe you can go because you’re in a hyper-critical business of professional wrestling and with a company that comes under a lot of scrutiny.

EC3: Yeah, you have to look … The internet is a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing in that you have instant feedback for what you just did but it’s also a curse because you have way too many opinions and zero of them — not zero of them — but a majority of them are uninformed. I look at maybe not the “sheets” but Twitter, Facebook, that kind of stuff to check out what’s being said about me and our product. Hopefully seeing the criticism that can be worked on and improved opposed to the negative criticism that’s just deadbeats. There’s a lot of hate and misogynistic views from wrestling fans. I know that’s not the right word but I see all this negativity sometimes via the internet. I question it because I remember growing up as a fan and I was quote “smart” but I still respected the guys and appreciated them. Sometimes you see someone who sucked but I didn’t yell about it. I just went meh, whatever. What’s next? I could move on. The thing about wrestling is we’re all these passionate fans and this perfect way we see it but unfortunately it’s a business and it’s not always going to be perfect.

BF: Are wrestling fans too smart now?

EC3: Maybe or maybe not or maybe they need to adapt to change the game a little bit. It’s a weird time in wrestling and that’s a great question that I don’t have the answer to.

BF: How much do you like being a heel? You got a lot of boos when you won the championship and I think that can be a rarity in the business when you’re talking about someone that is a true heel and is getting that reaction for the right reasons.

EC3: I mean, being a heel blows when I’m working some indies and I’m trying to sell some gimmicks but in reality you have that freedom to explore yourself. You can’t mess it up as a heel. You can go super far out and can antagonize fans. It’s definitely harder as a babyface to be careful with how you do it because the second you lose the fans, you lose yourself. Being a heel is awesome. I love it. I love controlling tempos. I love working holds. I love doing less moves than the babyface. I love telling that story. It’s cool. It’s where I need to be and getting those real heel reactions is what I’m trying to do but I’m coming into that point where it’s kind of 70/30 from the audience where some people are looking to me as the hell champion. So I have to find ways to kill that.

BF: Are you even surprised that the unbeaten streak has gone on like this?

EC3: Yeah. (laughs) It’s so tainted and not a real thing. I’ve probably lost 32 tag matches. I’m pretty sure I lost a ladder match and a first blood match somewhere in there. But I think it’s a great arc for the character because he believes it. And if the character believes it, it makes it feel real to the fans. It’s great and now that we have it there’s a great opportunity that there’s a huge star that gets hot and once they take that, it could be the next step for them.

BF: I know Kurt Angle has already said that he is not going to be re-upping with the company. Is it going to be weird not having him around?

EC3: It will be. I haven’t talked with him about that but if he said it, he has the right to do what he wants to do. I think he’s done everything he can for the company. He’s one of the best of all-time. We love him to death and we’ll miss him if he does decide to leave. Again, this is a business and we’re gears in the machine. It’s next man up.

Brian Fritz can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @BrianFritz and listen to his Between The Ropes podcast on Blog Talk Radio.