Replying to Twitter user @WholeMarsBlog, who posted a clip from a video posted by Munro, Musk said that the company is working to improve the technology as fast as possible.

“FSD Beta 9.2 is actually not great imo, but Autopilot/AI team is rallying to improve as fast as possible.

We’re trying to have a single stack for both highway & city streets, but it requires massive NN retraining.”

In the video of the original tweet, Munro is testing out Ford’s BlueCruise hands-free driver assist technology. He tells the Ford representative to try the electric carmaker’s version.

“I guess I’ve been a little bit spoiled by watching what Tesla’s been doing with the Full-Self Driving beta,” Munro says in the video. “That is really impressive and I’m going to suggest that somehow, if you can, get your hands on that and try it out.”

Tesla’s Full Self Driving and Autopilot branded technologies have been roundly criticized by users, journalists, and federal officials. Last week, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration announced that it had opened an investigation into vehicle crashes where Autopilot or Full Self-Driving Capability had been engaged. The agency identified 11 incidents where those modes were used.

During Tesla’s “AI Day” last Thursday, Musk joked about using a t-shirt to trick the car’s system into stopping.

“I actually have a T-shirt with a stop sign on it,” Musk said at the live-streamed event. “If you flash the car, it will stop.”

In July, a Tesla owner took to Twitter to tell Musk that their car was confusing the moon for a yellow traffic light, causing the car to slow down.

Multiple drivers report via social media that cars that have Full Self Driving Beta technology enabled have had trouble identifying stationary emergency vehicles parked in the road. Others have also reported instances of vehicles confusing one thing for another, veering in and out of the lane and causing collisions.

Despite the names of Tesla’s Full Self Driving and Autopilot technology, the company recommends that the driver must be engaged at all times and advises that the Autopilot technology does not make the vehicle autonomous. There are currently no self-driving new cars on the market.