I know from experience — the play, once dubbed the most dangerous in sports, was the bane of my high school football career, some of which was spent as a front-line pin waiting to get bowled over in the return wedge. My job, literally, was to absorb a member of the kickoff team whose job, literally, was to slam as hard as possible into me in an effort to break the wedge. The technique seemed as impractical as it was painful.

But even for a sport defined by perpetual evolution — keep in mind the forward pass didn’t exist through the game’s first few decades — the kickoff can’t be eliminated. It’s part of football’s problem, yes, but it’s not the root. Getting rid of the play in the name of player safety would be like Burger King getting rid of the double Whopper in the name of public health.

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Debate surrounding the viability of the kickoff has existed for decades. It flared up when the NFL passed a temporary rule change for 2016 that places the ball at the 25-yard-line after touchbacks rather than the 20.

“The theory there was that the kickoff return remains the most dangerous play that we have in the game, has the highest rate of concussions,” Giants owner and NFL Competition Committee member John Mara said in April. “You see more and more returners bringing the ball out from eight or nine yards deep. The hope is that if they’re catching the ball that deep in the end zone, knowing that they’re going to automatically get it at the 25, maybe that would discourage them from coming out.”

This is the league’s latest attempt to disincentivize returns and encourage touchbacks. In 2010, in the same effort, the NFL moved kickoffs from the 30 to the 35 and limited the kickoff team’s head start to five yards.

The debate is even stronger in college football, where real kickoff elimination discussions are taking place. Miami (Fla.) coach Mark Richt explained during a radio interview this week why he’s OK without the play, citing visible danger in the violence of kickoffs. Pop Warner youth football in May eliminated kickoffs for all youth division teams age 10 and under.

But without its most unhealthy sandwich, Burger King doesn’t suddenly become a healthy dining option. Likewise, without the kickoff, football doesn’t suddenly become safe. Violence can’t be legislated out of an inherently violent game.

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The obvious and biggest road block for those in favor of eliminating the play is the question of the onside kick. Without the kickoff, how does a trailing team attempt to get the ball back after a score? What happens to the element of surprise that is an unexpected onside or pooch kick? Good questions, but the issues go even deeper.

Pro Football Talk’s Mike Florio, in an April article suggesting the banishment of kickoffs, touched on actual root of football’s problem when he referenced the danger in the play.

“It’s indeed the most dangerous play in the game,” he wrote, “not just because of concussions but because of the potential consequences to the cervical when two players running full speed at each other instinctively dip their head immediately before impact.”

Those last seven words — “instinctively dip their head immediately before impact” — illustrate the real problem. Sporting News last summer, while questioning whether football helmets are creating more problems than they solve, explored the psychology of players who are provided such equipment. The primary question: Would players “instinctively dip their heads before impact” if their heads weren’t protected?

With or without kickoffs, those types of questions — about the safety and viability of the sport itself — will continue to mount.

The elimination of kickoffs also would have a trickle-down effect on roster construction. Think of it as a company cutting off an entire wing of its operation. Many jobs would be lost.

That’s probably why Matthew Slater, a longtime special teams ace for the Patriots, is worried.

“The kicking game has meant a lot to the game of football and a lot of players individually and has enabled guys to have careers,” Slater told ESPN in June. “You think about Larry Izzo, you think about myself. Without the kicking game, we don’t have a career. I’m very disappointed with some of the things I hear in regards to getting rid of the kickoff. I surely hope that’s not the case.”

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Robert Mays of The Ringer effectively explains what a lack of the kickoff would mean for NFL roster management specifically.

“By carrying fewer linebackers, teams could stockpile game-day spots at positions with more value, like those in the defensive line or the secondary,” Mays wrote in June. “And if a given player’s special-teams workload consisted solely of six or seven punts per game, it would be easier for coaches to rationalize throwing higher-profile guys onto a coverage team.

“Changes to game-day roster construction would also usher in a different approach to the draft, where a linebacker who offered special-teams value but had a limited defensive upside would be less coveted. Specialty pass rushers or run stuffers would no longer be franchise luxuries; front offices wouldn’t hesitate to roll the dice in later rounds on guys with limited but potent skill sets.”

Another key argument in the preservation of the kickoff — and this is a selfish argument — is its status as the game’s biggest, most exciting play. Nothing fires up a team (and a home crowd) like a big return for a score, and few sights compare to a Super Bowl kickoff amongst thousands of flashbulbs. 

For many, Devin Hester’s kickoff return touchdown to begin Super Bowl XLI stands out. Packers fans will never forget Desmond Howard’s 99-yard return for a touchdown in Super Bowl XXXI. The list goes on, and the more iconic returns come to mind, the more the play would be missed.

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So yes, kickoffs are dangerous. But doing away with them would fail to address a reality and totally miss the point: The game of football itself is dangerous with or without its most dangerous play.

There’s nothing wrong with attempts to make the play safer — the NFL outlawing the five-man wedge in 2009 is a good example of how that can be done — and the effort to reduce the play’s frequency is warranted. Elimination is not.

If somebody wants to eat healthy, that person does not eliminate the Whopper from his or her diet. He or she eliminates Burger King.