Lean your head against a pillow and, if possible, have a friend administer the drops so you’re more comfortable.
Do not insert the tip of the applicator into your ear.
Place a cotton ball into your ear if you have to turn your head upright for a moment. You may hear a crackling sound—that’s the solution foaming up when it comes in contact with earwax.
If your kit did not come with a bulb ear syringe, simply cup warm water in your hand and flush your ear that way. Use earwax drops 2 times a day for up to 4 days.
If you’ve recently had ear surgery, ask your doctor before using earwax drops. Don’t use earwax removal drops if you have a perforated eardrum (a hole in your eardrum) because it could get infected. If you feel dizzy and have ear pain, you might have an ear infection—don’t use the product and see a doctor.
You can also use a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide (in equal parts) to soften and loosen ear wax.
Tip your head to the side to let the wax and water drain out. You can also cup water to your ear while sitting in the bathtub, just avoid bubble bath and other bath additives that might irritate your ear canal.
You can use a cotton swab to wipe away any wax and moisture, but make sure that the cotton tip is still visible. Your eardrum sits about 3⁄4 inch (1. 9 cm) to 1 inch (2. 5 cm) inside your ear canal, so avoid inserting the swab any more than . 4 inches (1. 0 cm) inward. Use mineral oil to loosen up ear wax once or twice a week.