First, open the Microsoft Store app in Windows and click the three dots at the top-right corner. Navigate to My Library > Installed and look for iCloud. If you see it, uninstall it now so you can install the version that works with the AltStore. Go to https://support. apple. com/en-us/HT204283 and click the link where it says “On Windows 7 and 8, you can download iCloud for Windows on Apple’s website. " It’ll work even though you have Windows 10. Once the download is complete, double-click the file (icloud. exe) and follow the on-screen instructions to install iCloud. Open iCloud if it doesn’t launch immediately, and follow the on-screen instructions to sign in with your Apple ID.

As you did with iCloud, open the Microsoft Store, click the three dots, and look for iTunes in My Library > Installed. If it’s there, uninstall it. Go to https://www. apple. com/itunes in a browser and scroll down to the “Looking for other versions?” section. Click Windows and then Download iTunes for Windows now to start the download. Double-click the iTunes installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install.

Connect the iPhone or iPad to the PC and open iTunes. If you just installed iTunes, follow the on-screen instructions to set it up. Click the device icon near the top-left corner to see your iPhone or iPad’s contents. Click Summary at the top of the left panel. Check the box next to “Sync with this [device type] over Wi-Fi” and click Apply. [1] X Research source

If you don’t see your iPhone or iPad, make sure it’s properly connected to your computer and that you can see it in iTunes.

Open the Settings app and navigate to General > Device Management. Tap your Apple ID and select Trust (your Apple ID). Tap Trust to confirm. You can now use the AltStore!

Click the Mail menu in the menu bar and navigate to Preferences > Manage Plug-ins. Enable the plugin called AltPlugin. mailbundle and click Apply and restart Mail.

Open Finder and select your iPhone/iPad in the left panel. [3] X Research source Click the General tab. Check the box next to “Show this [device] when on Wi-Fi. " Adjust any other sync settings you want and click Apply.

Open the Settings app and navigate to General > Device Management. Tap your Apple ID and select Trust (your Apple ID). Tap Trust to confirm. You can now use the AltStore!