If you are using a mobile device, simply open up the Facebook application on your device.

On your mobile device, tap on the “Menu” icon that looks like three lines located in the bottom right of your screen. From there, tap on the rectangle labeled “Pages. “[1] X Research source

On a mobile device, tap on the “Liked Pages” button at the top of your screen and then tap on the title of a Page. To search for a Page instead, navigate to the “Menu” section, tap on the magnifying glass in the upper right corner, type in the name of a Page, and tap on its title from the search results. [2] X Research source

If you’re using the mobile app, tap the “About” tab located in the menu bar underneath the header. “About” is directly to the right of “Home. ”[4] X Research source

Keep in mind that a Page is not obligated to provide all of this information. Therefore, it may be a bit harder to find the Admin if there is less visible information. [7] X Research source If this is the case, follow the next step for an alternative method!

On both the website and mobile app, this button will be located directly underneath the Page title. Keep in mind that sending a message uses Facebook Messenger, so you will be redirected to the Facebook Messenger app if you are using a mobile phone.

If you are sending a Facebook Message on your mobile device, you will automatically be redirected to the Facebook Messenger app after tapping on “Send Message. " Simply type out your message into the chat box that appears for the Page. Tap on the blue arrow button to send the message. [9] X Research source

If you are not friends with the Admin on Facebook, keep in mind that they will need to first accept your message request before replying. If it’s been more than a few days and you still haven’t heard back, you can consider sending a follow-up message or friendly reminder.