The down-side of these basic converters is that you may not know what exchange rate the calculator is using, or where the website got that exchange rate. While a basic converter can give you a general idea what your Ethereum is worth, you need more detail if you plan on selling your Ethereum for the best possible rate.

If you don’t already have an account at a cryptocurrency exchange, or if you’re not sure which one you want to use to sell your Ethereum, these charts can help you find the best rate.

Look also at the volatility at different exchanges. You’ll typically get a more reliable price if you use an exchange without a lot of extreme fluctuations in the exchange rate.

Coinbase fees are 1. 49 percent when using a US bank account. Gemini and Kraken charge fees well under 1 percent. Fees are typically much higher if you’re depositing your dollars into a PayPal account rather than a US bank account.

You must verify your identity before you can start trading on the exchange. Each exchange has a slightly different process. Typically, this involves scanning a valid government-issued photo ID and providing personal information such as your birth date and phone number.

You may be able to link a PayPal account rather than a bank account. However, if you use PayPal, you’ll typically incur higher fees – both from the exchange and from PayPal. Depending on the amount of money you transfer, PayPal may also place a hold on your funds.

It may take an hour or two for your Ethereum to show up in your exchange account, depending on network traffic.

You may have the option to create a limit order, through which you specify the price you’re willing to accept for your Ethereum. However, with a limit order, there is a risk that your Ethereum won’t be sold.

It may take as many as 3 to 5 days for the cash to show up in your bank account, depending on the time of day and day of the week when you make your withdrawal. If you withdraw on Friday night, for example, your money may not hit your bank account until Tuesday or Wednesday of the next week.