Avoid starting your measurement from the top edge of the tread, or else you won’t have enough material to attach the board properly. Don’t assume that all of the gaps are the same size since they may vary. [2] X Research source The required height between your stairs varies depending on where you live. For example, some areas only allow 4 in (10 cm) gaps while others may allow up to 8 1⁄4 inches (21 cm). Check your local building codes to see the minimum and maximum heights for your area.

You don’t need to use the same type of wood that’s on the stair treads. You can always paint, stain, or cover the risers so they blend in better.

As you cut each board, label them so you don’t forget what step to attach them to.

Be careful not to cut the risers too small, or else you’ll still see gaps between your steps. If you do cut the pieces too small, you may need to start over with a new piece of wood.

Pre-drilling your holes prevents the wood from splitting when you drive screws through it.

Wood glue offers additional support so your risers are less likely to come off or squeak.

Attach C-clamps to the riser and tread if you have trouble holding it in the correct position. If your stairs are made from a hardwood like mahogany, insert your drill into the riser’s holes and pre-drill into the back of the tread so you don’t damage your steps.

If you don’t countersink your screws, then you could catch your foot on the raised screw heads and injure yourself.

You may need to stand on a step ladder to reach the taller steps from behind.

Caulk helps prevent your stairs from squeaking as well as offers additional support.

You can buy wood filler from your local hardware store.

If you need another coat of paint, apply it after the first coat dries. Then let the second coat dry for another 6 hours. Keep your brushstrokes going in the same direction to give each of your risers a nice, uniform look.

Veneers are an affordable option if you want to make your risers look like they’re made from more expensive wood, such as oak or mahogany.