Continue reading to learn more about symptoms and treatments for earache in adults and children.

Frequent Symptoms

The most common symptoms of earache are:

PainFeverFussiness and irritabilityFluid draining from the ear

These main symptoms present differently in children who might not have the verbal capacity to express that they are in pain. Signs of earache in kids can include:

Pulling or tugging on the earCrying or being fussier than usualTrouble sleeping or more frequent wakingMore falls, clumsiness, or balance issuesLack of responses because they’re having trouble hearing

Symptoms of ear infection in adults can also include muffled or reduced hearing and sore throat. 

Rare Symptoms

Some ear infection symptoms are rare. In adults, it’s uncommon for an ear infection to affect balance.

In children, rare ear infection symptoms include:

VertigoRinging in the earTemporary minor hearing loss. The risk for hearing loss increases when a child has repeat ear infections.  


Five out of 6 kids will have an ear infection by the time they’re 3. Complications from ear infections are rare. Still, it’s important to be aware, since serious complications can occur. They’re most common in young children. Here are the complications you should be aware of:

Speech and Language Delays

Kids who have repeat ear infections are at higher risk for hearing loss. In turn, that can lead to developmental delays, especially when it comes to speech and language development. These delays are often temporary. They can be treated with ear tubes and early interventions like speech therapy. 

Ruptured Eardrum

Rarely, an infection can lead to a ruptured eardrum. The symptoms include:

Fluid or blood draining from the earEar pain and a sudden stop to ear painSudden hearing lossVertigo or dizzinessRinging in the ear

A ruptured eardrum will usually repair itself within two months, but it’s still a good idea to see your healthcare provider to make sure you don’t need any other treatment. 


Mastoiditis is a rare infection of the bone beneath the ear. It can happen when an ear infection spreads and affects the area behind the ear. The symptoms of mastoiditis include:

Pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness behind the earHigh feverHeadacheHearing lossCreamy discharge from the ear

If you or your child has mastoiditis, you’ll need antibiotics in the hospital and possibly surgery. 


Cholesteatoma is a growth in the ears that can lead to hearing loss. It can happen when cells build up in the ear after repeat ear infections. 

The symptoms of cholesteatoma include:

Temporary or permanent hearing lossPressure or aching in or behind the earVertigoFoul-smelling discharge from the earParalysis of facial muscles

The condition is treated with surgery to remove the growth and prevent or reverse hearing loss. 

Labyrinthitis (Vertigo)

Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear. This causes vertigo. The symptoms of labyrinthitis include:

Sudden, severe vertigo (sense of spinning)Nausea and vomitingDizzinessLightheadednessBalance troubleDifficulties concentratingRinging in the earsHearing loss

Facial Paralysis

If an ear infection causes inflammation and swelling, it can pinch the facial nerve, leaving a child or adult unable to move their face. Facial paralysis is very alarming but usually temporary when it’s associated with an ear infection. 


Very rarely, an ear infection can cause meningitis, an infection of the brain membranes and spinal cord. The symptoms of meningitis include:

FeverHeadacheSensitivity to lightStiff neckFatigue and trouble waking from sleepNausea and vomiting Dizziness or confusionBack pain

Meningitis requires treatment in the hospital with antibacterial, antiviral, or antifungal drugs. If you suspect meningitis, seek help immediately. 

Brain Abscess

A brain abscess is a puss-filled pocket in the brain. It’s very rare but serious and can happen when an ear infection spreads to the brain. Symptoms include:

Severe headacheFacial paralysisConfusion and changes to cognitionHigh feverSeizures

If you or your child has a brain abscess, which is very rare, you’ll need antibiotics and possibly surgery. 

When to Seek Medical Care

Ear infections are common and usually resolve on their own. However, you should call your healthcare provider if you or your child experience:

Severe pain or high feverPain that stops suddenlyDizziness or headacheSwelling around the earFacial weakness or paralysisSymptoms that last longer than 48 hours


Ear infections are most common in children between the ages of 15 months to 6 years. Young children may be unable to express their pain verbally, so caregivers should look for other symptoms of earache including tugging at the ear, trouble sleeping, fussiness, or lack or balance. Adults suffering from an ear infection may experience pain and a fever.

A Word From Verywell

Ear infections are super common. But in rare cases they can cause serious complications. If you’re concerned about yourself or your child, don’t hesitate to call your healthcare provider. You may need medication to treat the infection.