This article will discuss how ear infections can be treated when ear tubes are in place.


Symptoms of an ear infection with tubes in your ear are similar to symptoms of an ear infection without tubes, and may include the following:

Ear pain: Very young children who are unable to communicate their symptoms may pull at their ear or tilt their head to the side. Ear drainage: This may be bloody or a yellowish color or even have a foul smell. Ear drainage is more common when ear tubes are in place. Fullness or pressure in the ear: This is less likely in people who get an infection with tubes already in place, if the tube is still allowing for proper drainage. Fever


If you experience symptoms, your otolaryngologist or other physician might suspect an ear infection and ask you to come in for an examination.

An ear infection can be diagnosed by looking into the ear using an otoscope. An otoscope is a special tool with a light on the end that allows physicians to visualize the canal and eardrum.

Your physician will check for signs of an infection, including redness, and can also make sure that the tubes are still in their proper place, since it is possible for tubes to fall out or to move.


At-Home Remedies

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relief medications, such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil or Motrin (ibuprofen), can be used to lessen ear infection pain.

Other ways to help relieve ear infection pain at home include:

RestingDrinking plenty of waterPutting a heating pad or an ice pack on the earKeeping your upper body elevated so that gravity can aid in the expulsion of any drainage

Oral Antibiotics

Antibiotics are sometimes used to treat ear infections. These are used in more severe or long-lasting cases, when other treatments aren’t working.

Typically, a person’s immune system can fight off the infection on its own without the need for antibiotics.

Certain Ear Drops

Only specific ear drops can be used for individuals who get ear infections with tubes in their ears. These should be prescribed by your doctor to avoid accidentally damaging delicate inner ear structures.

Ear drops may have an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory medication in them or be a combination of the two types of drugs.

Ciprodex (ciproflaxacin and dexamethasone) is a combination ear drop that is often prescribed for the treatment of ear infections with tubes in the ears. It will not damage the structures of the middle ear.

Follow-Up Care

Any follow-up care required after developing an ear infection with tubes depends largely on your individual circumstances. If you feel better after starting an antibiotic and symptoms do not return, you may not require a follow-up. If you do not feel better within a few days of starting treatment, you should notify your physician.

If your ear infections recur, or happen frequently, you may require more follow-up care. This can include diagnostic testing to determine what is causing your frequent ear infections or to determine if replacement of your ventilation tubes is needed.

Possible Complications

Most ear infections with tubes are easily treated. However, in some cases, complications can occur, including:

Repeated infectionsInfections in other parts of the headHearing lossSpeech or language issuesSide effects or allergic reaction to the medication used to treat the infection

A Word From Verywell

It can be frustrating to develop an ear infection after having tubes inserted, especially if the tubes were placed to prevent or mitigate ear infections in the first place. However, even though it is still possible to get an ear infection with tubes, likelihood and frequency are greatly reduced with tubes in place. With prompt treatment, most infections clear up without complications.