If you’re a Philly fan and you’re upset that you missed the references, don’t worry. They were very minor. In an interview with Philly.com, Oscar-nominated sound editor David Acord revealed his dirty little secret. Part of the transcript for a character named Teedo involved names of Eagles players.

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“The language he speaks is inspired by some Thai phrases that I was trying to learn for an upcoming trip to Thailand,” he said. “For fun, I peppered in a few Eagles’ player names and my wife’s name as well. You can hear ‘Celek’ and ‘Fletcher’ (as in Cox) if you listen carefully.”

He also tried adding in “Barwin” and “Curry” but the names had to be dropped.

“I was also trying to pick names that fit the alien language I was designing,” he said. “Unfortunately, ‘Donnie Jones’ doesn’t exactly scream otherworldly.”